
The following list of 2gyrlz presentations is currently being updated as we reconstruct our archives:

Body Crossings: an open discussion
University of Manchester UK – 5-6 November 2013

with CIDRL

Artists: Ron Athey and Jennifer Doyle

Book launch and open discussion with the artists

Soriah 2013 Tour – The Castle, Manchester UK – 12 May 2013

Artist: Soriah, Die Hexen, Lazer Dream Eyes, Led and the Swan

Live Music event for Soriah’s tour featuring local musicians.

Gallery from Scarborough Workshop/ Performance >>>

I Heard a Voice
– Seven, Leeds, UK – 21 OCt 2011

with Glorious Trauma

Artists: Soriah, Nina Whiteman, sardonik grin

Experimental music night

2Nights with 2Gyrlz – ]performance s p a c e [, London, UK – 14-15 Oct 2011

Artists: Soriah, Mark Greenwood, Luci Fiction, Sam Sweeting & Lynn Lu, Liz Clarke, Nick Kilby & Holly Johnson, Try My Cabbage

Event of experimental sound and actions where artists were invited to explore related work over 2 nights.

2Nights Gallery >>>

Voices in the Chapel – The Chapel, Manchester, UK – 09 Oct 2011

Artists: Soriah, Nina Whiteman, MMule

Experimental music event.

Gifts of the Spirit: Automatic Writing – Whitworth Hall, Manchester, UK – 27 June 2011

with Glorious Trauma and the Centre for Surrealism and its Legacies

Artists: Ron Athey, Sue Fox, Othon Mataragas, Llewyn Máire, Russell McEwan, Mark Greenwood, Teemu Metsala, Pavlos Kountouriotis, Nina Whiteman, Nick Kilby, Holly Johnson, Luci Fiction, Michael Mayhew, Nathan Jones, Roberta Hoffman/D’angelo, Rachel Parry, Barnes-Wynters Michael, Joey Hateley, Alexander Simmons, Jonathan McGrath, Peter Jacobs, Charlotte Rodgers, Roger Bygoat, Alice Kemp, Joanna Brown, Agata Alcaniz, George Arnett, Phaedra Shanbaum, Eleanor Byrne, Rachel Holmes, Olivier Richomme, Rab McNab Martin, and Jo Gewirtz.

Gifts of the Spirit Gallery >>>

Bataille & Queer Performance – University of Manchester, UK – 16 June 2010

with the Centre for Surrealism and its Legacies

Artists: Ron Athey, Dominic Johnson

Open discussion with artists and academics.

Tex Napalm & Dimi DeroUS Tour – Portland, Seattle, Eugene, Feb 2008

Artists: Tex Napalm, Dimi Dero, Anthony S. Malat, Magic Daggers, Garland Ray Project

Music tour through the Northwest for Tex & Dimi’s US début.

Gallery of Rotture Show >>>

CINIPLEX (The Fortune Tour) – Rotture, Portland, US – 21 May 2008

Artists: Potter-Belmar Labs, Chris Kubik, noteNdo, Murk Visuals, VJ Welkin, Try My Cabbage

A night of experimental audio and visual works.

MUTATION – Hippodrome, Portland, US – April 2008

Artists: Ron Athey, Sam Sweeting, Aria Benner, Micah Perry

A night of live art followed by P!Z soundsystem gathering.


How to Destroy the Universe – The Old Church, Portland, US Feb 2006

Artists: Blixa Bargeld, Jarboe, Soriah

An intimate concert as part of Mobilization’s tour

EnterActive Language Festival – various locations, Portland, US Nov 2002 -2005

An annual multi-Event month long festival that ran for four seasons

Artists: Andre Stitt, Jamie McMurray, oVo, Paul Couillard and Ed Johnson, osseus labyrint, Patrick Califia, Kate Bornstein, Calpernia Addams & Andrea James, Nommo Ogo, Gerry Witbeck (Human Sculpture), Wicked Geisha, Donald Spitzer (oxygenheads), Aaron Link, P.A.N. Butoh, Soriah, Pete Kuzov & Edie Tsong, That One Guy, Savage Republic, B’eirth (In Gowan Ring), Jesse Pepe’r, Societas Insomnia, P.A.C. Session, the Language of Harmonics (Kaosmosis,), Zoë Keating, Corpus Collosum, Micah Perry, Try My Cabbage (more to be added)


Boobie Auction – various locations, Portland, US – 2002 – 2006

with The Planet Gallery (a fundraiser for the EnterActive Language Festival)

Artists: Luke Buser, William Brindmour, Jamie Lee Christiana, Jeannine Hart, Hot Lava, Noah Mickens, Joshua Camozzi Milligan, Jonas Nash, Lisa Newman, Lily Noches, Lori Olds, Michele Rainier, Libby Rowe, Jesse Pep’er, TOI, Alysa Volpe, Try My Cabbage

Perpetuating Response – various locations, Portland, US – 2002 – 2003

manifested as a series of events in diverse locations, throughout PDX,
with the primary intent of providing a free forum for the exposure of local artists and performer’s work, creating environments for discourse, gave regular access to the gyrlz, and created opportunities to recruit potential volunteers, contributors, and artists. (artists to be added)

Re:Build (Arts Community Conference) – Liminal Space, Portland, US 2003

Groups: 2 Gyrlz Performative Arts, 36 Invisibles, Radon, BLR, 3 Headed Goat, Creative Music Guild, Cultural Economy Initiative, Four Wall Cinema Collective, iCAN, Liminal Performance Group, p:ear, Performance Works NW, PICA, PCAC, Red76, Spare Room,, The Know, The Organ, Soundvision, Willamette Week

Mexotica: A Living Diorama of Fetishized Others – Reed, Portland, US 2002

with Western States Center

Artists: Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Juan Ybarra, Gregorio Acuña, Llewyn Máire

La Pocha Nostra comes to Portland

Medio Espectaculo – various locations – Portland US – 2000-2002

A multi-media event series featuring live art, music, installation, visual art and film.

Artists: Jennifer Robin, Technician, TOI, Jamie McMurray, T Lee Gilliam, the Distance Formula, Human Sculpture, Izanami, Jawihge, Sardonik Grin, FreQ, Mesmer, Nommo Ogo, DJs Romulus & Remus, Pamela Boyd, the End of the World Circus, Acroyear, Eroto-Comotose Lucidity, Padrice Stewart, Josh Lubin, Creeper, Myron Chase, Lisa Newman, Jesse Pepe’r, Alysa Volpe, Faith Jennings, Jake Scharbach, Patrick Puopolo, John Arnold, Faith Jennings, Ben Pink, Chris Moss,  Joshua Camozzi Milligan (more to be added)

Proud to Put Out – various locations – Porland, US – 2000 – 2003

Text based performance art series.

Artists: Ty Connor, Pecos B, Creative Material Group, Padrice Stewart, Jennifer Robin, Lisa Newman, the Reverend Rafik Legbara (Llewyn Máire), Lidia Yuknavich, and Devin Crowe

Identity Fuxus Forum: Technician – Machine Shop, Portland, US 2002

Artists: Technician

Install-action from Gerry Witbeck (Director of Human Sculpture)

a thing for martyrs – Cricket Cafe, Portland, US – 14 June 2002

Début action from the gyrl grip for open exhibit of Lisa Newman’s painting exhibit.

Artists: gyrl grip, Lisa Newman

Identity Fuxus Forum: osseus labyrint – Echo Theatre, Portland, US – 21 July 2001

Spotlight event.

Artists: osseus labyrint

Y.H.I“imMEDIAcy” Pearl District, Portland, US – 23 February 2001

Spotlight event.

Artist: Llewyn Máire

Script the Flesh – Thieves Guild, Portland, US – 1 February 2000

An evening of actions, video and visual art.

Artists: Jesse Peppe’r, John Berendzen, Lisa Newman, Hot Lava & The Tool, Romulus & Remus